7 Criteria for an Ideal Simple House for Families in Indonesia

Criteria for an Ideal Simple House - Owning a dream home property is the dream of many people because it provides a sense of comfort for the residents.

Criteria For A Simple House

Apart from that, the ideal home functions as a place to rest, gather and allow children to grow safely.

But what exactly makes a home ideal? There are several criteria that must be met for a dwelling to be considered ideal.

As a guide before purchasing or building a home, consider the following simple criteria for an ideal home.

7 Criteria for an Ideal and Comfortable Simple House for Families

1. Minimum size 7.2 m2

The first criterion for an ideal home can be evaluated from the aspect of size.

According to experts, the standard size for a good home is at least 7.2 m² per person or 9 m² per person.

This minimum standard can serve as a guideline for building a two-bedroom house for 2–3 family members.

Therefore, if the number of family members increases, a larger home will be needed to meet all the residents' needs.

2. Minimum height 2.8 meters

So, what is the ideal ceiling height for a house? Experts recommend between 2.8–3.5 meters.

This should be taken into consideration because a house with low ceilings can feel hot throughout the day.

Especially in Indonesia, which has a tropical climate, ceiling height is a crucial factor to consider before building or buying a home.

3. Sturdy Building Structure

As previously mentioned, in addition to comfort, the construction of an ideal home must also consider safety factors.

Therefore, the structural integrity of the building must be taken into account to avoid any unwanted incidents.

When building a house, choose high-quality materials that can last a long time.

Hire experienced professional builders to ensure the construction is well-executed and reliable.

4. Clean House Conditions

Next, a comfortable home must always be kept clean. !A clean home not only provides comfort but also ensures the health and well-being of its residents.

Additionally, make sure the house has a good sanitation system and is free from pests such as cockroaches and rats.

These pests are often carriers of diseases and are commonly associated with filth.

5. Good Air and Light Circulation

An ideal home must have excellent air and light circulation! These two aspects are crucial for the comfort of its residents.

Another benefit of good circulation is that it keeps the home free from dampness and stuffiness.

Creating good air circulation can be challenging, especially if the house is located in a narrow alley.

To address this, you should create ventilation that exhausts upwards or keep the front door open whenever possible.

Moreover, a home with good circulation is also considered a hallmark of a healthy house.

6. Be in a Safe Location

It's not just about how strategic the location of your home is. The house must also be in a safe location, free from health risks and crime.

This means choosing a location that supports the well-being and growth of your family.

Avoid areas like riverbanks, landfill sites, and around high-voltage power lines.

These locations are not only dangerous but also detrimental to the health of your family.

7. According to the occupant's taste

Ultimately, a house is considered ideal if it can meet all the needs of its residents.

It should not only meet spatial needs but also be designed in a way that is comfortable and pleasing to the owner.

If the residents feel content when looking at the house, it naturally creates a sense of comfort and a desire to stay.

This has nothing to do with luxury, so even a simple house can be an ideal home for a family.

These are some criteria for an ideal home that can serve as a benchmark when building or purchasing a residence. I hope the above review is helpful!