5 Best Selling Gypsum Stores in JABOTABEK and Surrounding Areas

Best Selling Gypsum Stores in JABOTABEK - This list of gypsum shop names in the Jakarta, Bekasi, and surrounding areas includes the best-selling and most popular shops for gypsum board needs for ceilings, as their sales have reached thousands of gypsum board products sold.

Best Selling Gypsum Stores

Gypsum shops in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Tangerang will greatly facilitate those working on gypsum ceiling projects in these areas. Shopping locally can save time and effort compared to traveling to places like Surabaya, Bali, Batam, or Kalimantan.

The recommended shops that sell gypsum ceiling materials have excellent reputations on Tokopedia, one of Indonesia’s largest online marketplaces. This is evidenced by their gypsum board products, which have sold in the thousands.

For those close to the gypsum shop mentioned in this article, visiting the shop directly is an option. However, if you’re too busy to visit, you can conveniently order gypsum products online. Local buyers may benefit from lower shipping costs, and COD (Cash on Delivery) might be available if applicable.

We have summarized the names of the best-selling and popular gypsum shops in the Jakarta and Bekasi areas from Tokopedia. These shops are known for their high sales volumes, with some products, like gypsum boards, having sold more than 1,000 units.

In addition to gypsum boards, you can also purchase other related materials online, such as:

  • High-quality gypsum screws
  • Cornices for ceiling putty
  • Gypsum lists
  • Gypsum ceiling paint
  • Fisher viser gypsum
  • Hollo for gypsum ceiling frames

5 Best Selling Gypsum Stores in JABOTABEK

We have identified the following list of gypsum shops in the Jakarta, Bekasi, and surrounding areas as some of the best-selling and most popular. These shops have sold over 1,000 products each.

Below is a list of these gypsum shops, along with their best-selling products that have also sold more than 1,000 units:

1. Klopmart Gypsum Online Store South Jakarta

Klopmart is a popular gypsum store in the South Jakarta area that specializes in gypsum ceiling materials and other types of ceilings available online.

The store's popularity is largely due to one of its products, gypsum boards, which have sold up to 3,707 sheets. These boards have a 5-star rating from 53 reviews, with customers noting that the product is sturdy, well-packaged, and of high quality.

Additionally, Klopmart is an official store on Tokopedia, which means it has been recognized by the marketplace as an authorized seller with legitimate brand rights.

For those working on gypsum ceiling projects in South Jakarta, you can purchase gypsum boards and other related products from Klopmart, either online or offline.

While the exact address for offline purchases is not provided, you can visit their store on Tokopedia or their official website for online orders.

Besides Aplus gypsum boards, Klopmart also offers other gypsum-related products, including:

  • Cornice Gypsum Ceiling Putty
  • Steel Gypsum Screws
  • Ceiling Paint
  • Hand Paint Brushes
  • Roll Brushes
  • Cable and Battery Drills
  • Fisher Viser Fischer Gypsum

2. Cahaya Baru Group Online Gypsum Shop, Central Jakarta

The second store on our list of popular online gypsum shops is the Cahaya Baru Group, located in the Central Jakarta area. Please refer to the store name in the image above.

Although Cahaya Baru Group is not an official store on Tokopedia, it has successfully sold 4,070 sheets of Jaya Board gypsum products, with a total of 44 reviews and an average rating of 4.8 stars.

While Klopmart, the first store mentioned, sells gypsum boards from the Aplus brand, the Cahaya Baru Group offers gypsum boards from the Jayaboard brand. Jayaboard is another top gypsum board brand in Indonesia, which we reviewed in a previous article available in the search column on this site.

If you're curious about the price of Jayaboard gypsum at this store, it is approximately Rp. 65,500 per sheet, as shown in the image.

While this price may seem quite affordable, it's worth noting that Jayaboard gypsum is generally more expensive compared to Aplus gypsum boards sold at Klopmart for Rp. 45,800 per sheet.

For those working on a gypsum ceiling project in the Central Jakarta area, you can purchase gypsum board materials from the Cahaya Baru Group store online. Please note that the minimum order for delivery is Rp. 5 million, plus shipping costs based on your location.

3. Andal Prima Gypsum Shop in South Tangerang City

The next recommendation on our list is the Andal Prima Online Shop, located in the South Tangerang City area.

At this shop, you can find gypsum products, with over 1,000 sheets sold—specifically, 1,890 sheets of gypsum board.

The shop offers Aplus brand gypsum boards, priced at IDR 47,000 per sheet. This price is considered quite affordable compared to Jayaboard gypsum boards sold by the Cahaya Baru Group store mentioned earlier.

For those in the South Tangerang City area, you can order gypsum boards online from the Andal Prima shop on Tokopedia.

By purchasing from a nearby shop, you not only save time but also reduce your budget for gypsum ceiling work.

Before placing an order, it's recommended to check with the Andal Prima store admin via Tokopedia's chat feature regarding:

  • Availability of gypsum board stock
  • Shipping time
  • Shipping costs
  • And other relevant details

4. Gypsum Store Gudang999 Bekasi Regency Sells 9mm Gypsum Size 120 x 240 cm

The next popular gypsum shop in the Jabotabek area, and the fourth closest gypsum shop, is Gudang999 in Bekasi Regency. This shop offers basic materials for ceiling construction, including Aplus gypsum board products.

At Gudang999, gypsum board sales have reached a total of 5,984 sheets.

Just imagine: each sheet of Aplus gypsum is priced at IDR 46,000. When multiplied by the number of sheets sold, the total sales amount to IDR 275,264,000 (two hundred seventy-five million two hundred sixty-four thousand rupiah). That’s quite a significant total!

If your ceiling project is in Bekasi Regency, consider purchasing your Aplus gypsum boards from the Gudang999 store online.

Here’s how to order gypsum boards from Gudang999:

  • Chat with the store admin to inquire about stock availability and shipping details.
  • Specify the quantity of gypsum boards needed and provide your shipping address, either via WhatsApp or private message.
  • Shipping will be done using the store’s fleet, with dispatch no later than 3 working days after payment is received. Options include J&T or JNE, based on your shipping invoice.
  • Alternatively, you can use Gojek or Grab for delivery, following the applicable terms and conditions.

5. Gypsum E Board at Toko Atap_Kita Kab. Bekasi

The Atap_Kita Store is another online store that sells gypsum products, particularly serving the Bekasi Regency area. One of the products it offers is E Board brand gypsum board.

This store is popular due to its successful sales of E Board gypsum boards, with a total of 3,810 sheets sold.

If your ceiling project is located in the Bekasi Regency area, you can order gypsum boards from Atap_Kita online. This allows for delivery to your project location using the store’s fleet, which helps you save on shipping costs.

Ordering from a nearby store, like Atap_Kita, can be more cost-effective compared to ordering from stores located outside Bekasi Regency, where shipping costs may be higher.

Additionally, ordering from a nearby store can save you time, energy, and effort.

The price for each sheet of gypsum board at Atap_Kita is IDR 45,000, which is more affordable compared to other gypsum shops in Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, and surrounding areas. The other shops mentioned are detailed in points one through four above.

To order gypsum boards from Atap_Kita, the process is the same as for ordering from Gudang999, as described in point four.

That concludes our discussion on the best-selling and popular gypsum shops in the Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, and surrounding areas.

We hope this information is helpful. Thank you to everyone who visited and read the article on larantukagypsum.com...!!!