Perforated Gypsum Gypsound Specifications For Studio Ceiling

Perforated Gypsum Gypsound - The specifications of perforated gypsum gypsound from the Aplus brand are the topic of our discussion in making this article, where the function of this gypsum board is usually used as a material for making studio ceilings.

Perforated Gypsum Gypsound Specifications

Yes, Aplus Perforated is one of the gypsum board products from the Aplus brand which is usually used in making ceilings or ceiling coverings in a room.

Aplus recommends that Aplus Perforated be installed specifically for making ceilings in studio rooms or rooms where there are noisy, noisy, and rowdy activities.

Another example of a room besides a studio room is a karaoke room, ballroom, home theater, and other similar rooms that usually produce loud noises in it.

Aplus perforated has another term, namely Gypsum Gypsound, which functions in addition to dampening sound, is also able to increase the aesthetic value in terms of indoor beauty.

In other words, this aplus preforated gypsum gypsound has advantages in making ceilings, as follows:

  • Making the ceiling is fast and easy
  • Capable of absorbing high sound up to NRC 0.6 0.8
  • Already certified and tested with international standards
  • Capable of adding artistic value to the beauty of the ceiling

Perforated Specifications Gypsum Gypsound

After you know about the advantages of Aplus Perforated Gypsum Gypsound for Studio Ceiling, it would be nice to also know the size specifications.

The specifications of aplus perforated gypsum gypsound which is a sheet of gypsum board (gypsum board) have dimensions (physical data), namely 600 x 600 mm and 600 x 1200 mm with a thickness of 12 mm.

Then, for the type or type of aplus perforated gypsum gypsound, it is produced into 2 types, namely the standard type and the moisture resistant type.

1. Gypsum Gypsound Standard Type

What is the standard type? Aplus Perforated Standard type or standard in English refers to a criterion, specification, or guideline that is used as a basic reference for evaluating or comparing something.

In a technical or industrial context, standards often refer to technical specifications used to ensure interoperability between one product and another.

So in this case, the standard type of aplus perforated gypsum gypsound product is more or less the description, as follows. Something like that...!!

2. Aplus Perforated Gypsum Gypsound Tipe Moisture Resistant

Apa itu tipe Mositure Resistant ? Aplus Perforated tipe mositure resistant ini mengacu pada jenis atau klasifikasi produk material yang di rancang atau di produksi dengan sifat tahan terhadap kelembapan baik udara atau air.

Dengan kata lain, produk aplus perforated gypsum gypsound ini mempunyai perlindungan tambahan atau bahan tertentu didalamnya yang bisa menghambat atau mengurangi penyerapan air dari kelembapan.

Sehingga, dengan adanya perlindungan tambahan tersebut produk gypsum gypsound mampu mempertahankan kekuatan, intergritas, hingga kinerja-nya sebagai bahan material plafo studio.

Jadi, kesimpulan dari kedua jenis atau tipe papan gypsum gypsound, maksud-nya adalah material yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan bahan standard ASTM C 1396 merupakan standard spesifikasi untuk papan gypsum (gypsum board).

Lalu, terdapat standard aplikasi ASTM C636 yang merupakan standard praktik pemasangan metal ceiling suspension untuk acoustical tile dan lay in panels.

Dengan kata lain, aplus perforated gypsum gypsound ini sangat cocok diaplikasikan untuk ruangan ballroom, home theater, studio, karaoke, dan beragam macam ruangan yang menghasilkan bunyi atau suara bising yang keras seperti yang sudah kami jelaskan di awal paragraf.

Mungkin hanya itu yang bisa kami informasik tentang aplus perforated Gypsum Board Gypsound buat sahabat sesama tukang plafon di seluruh dunia khusus-nya di Indonesia

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