7 Tips for Buying Land Plots Safely and Profitably in Indonesia

Tips for Buying Land Plots Safely and Profitably - Interested in buying a plot of land in Indonesia? To avoid potential pitfalls, it is important to know the tips for purchasing land safely and profitably. Land has long been recognized as a promising investment asset due to its increasing value over time.

tips for buying land plots

It is not surprising, then, that many developers and individuals interested in property businesses are actively seeking plots of land.

So, what exactly is a plot of land? According to the KBBI, a plot of land is an area that has been divided into specific plots and can be used for buildings or residences.

However, for beginners, there are several factors to consider before purchasing land, such as:

Here are Tips for Safely Buying Plots of Land

Here are 7 tips for buying land plots safely and profitably in Indonesia that friends of larantukagypsum.com can follow.

1. Search for Land Plots on Trusted Property Sites

The first step in buying a plot of land is to gather information about the land you are interested in through a trusted property site, such as Rumah123.

There are many of the best land listings from various cities in Indonesia with strategic and profitable locations:

  • Land for sale in Bandung
  • Land for sale in Surabaya
  • Land for sale in Bekasi

2. Check the authenticity of the document

The next tip for buying a plot of land is to ensure that all documents or proof of land ownership are complete.

The most important document for land ownership is the Certificate of Ownership (SHM).

If the land you are interested in does not have an SHM, it should at least have a Building Use Rights (HGB) certificate.

You have the right to ask the seller about the type of certificate to ensure that it exists and that the land is free from future disputes.

Can land plots have an SHM? Yes, you can upgrade land from HGB to SHM through the National Land Agency (BPN).

For added security, check the validity of the land certificate at the local BPN office by bringing a photocopy of the certificate.

This will help you avoid problems related to land disputes, including confiscated or fictitious land plots.

Finally, verify the seller's identity card and ensure it matches the land certificate being sold.

3. Pay attention to the location and condition of the land plot

It is essential to review the condition and location of the land in person! In addition to avoiding fraud, checking the land's condition and location helps determine road access to the site.

Ensure that the land has adequate access to facilitate mobility, especially if you plan to build a house on the plot in the future. Be cautious about the potential of the surrounding area as well.

For example, consider how the area might develop over the next five years and what the property market trends are like.

Understanding the area's potential will enhance the value of the plot you are considering.

Furthermore, avoid buying land plots near high-voltage power lines, gas pipelines, railway tracks, riverbanks, and areas prone to natural disasters.

4. Check the Area and Boundaries of the Land Plot

Checking the area and boundaries of the land is an essential condition for purchasing a plot and requires close attention.

This helps to avoid unwanted losses and misunderstandings! You can verify the area and boundaries of the land by reviewing the information listed on the certificate.

Ensure that the land boundaries are accurate. If the land size exceeds 100 hectares, you may seek assistance from BPN officers at the local office.

5. Adjust to Budget

Buying a plot of land requires a significant amount of money, especially if you are considering land located in a city or near a busy center.

Therefore, it is important to adjust your budget or financial capabilities to match the land you intend to purchase.

Fortunately, land plots can now be purchased through the Land Ownership Credit (KPT) scheme.

Ensure that the estimated monthly installments fit within your budget, so that the KPT does not create additional financial burdens in the future.

6. Ask for help from a property agent

Next, a valuable tip for safely buying land is to involve a professional property agent! This approach can facilitate the process of buying and selling land plots.

The agent will explain and assist with all necessary matters related to the transaction.

You can freely ask the agent about the land plot you are interested in, including details about the area, boundaries, and legal status.

The agent can also assist with the paperwork until the process is complete.

7. Don't be hasty in making decisions

Lastly, you should not be careless in making decisions! Don't be fooled by land prices that are too cheap, so that you immediately buy it without thinking twice.

Even though land prices are cheap, you still have to be patient in making decisions. Make sure all documents or legalities are safe to avoid the risk of disputes.

Give yourself a few days to think, so that the decisions you make are based on logic and not just emotion.

That concludes the information on several tips for buying land plots safely and profitably in Indonesia, which larantukagypsum.com is pleased to share with friends around the world. Hope it is useful..!!