5 Ways to Start a Housing Business for Beginners So You Don't Lose in Indonesia

Ways to Start a Housing Business - The housing business is one of the most popular business lines in the property sector among entrepreneurs and investors.

Ways to Start a Housing Business

This business involves the development, marketing, and sale of properties in residential estates, including clusters and townhouses.

In fact, the housing business model can also refer to activities such as renting or managing properties within a residential area.

The main players in this business are developers or housing developers.

Not only large companies, but small-scale developers can also engage in the property business.

So, how can new developers with small capital start a successful housing business? Check out the review below.

1. Determine Potential Target Market

The main thing to do before starting a housing business is to determine your target market.

This is important because the target market will guide the direction of your business in the future.

Is the housing intended for the lower middle class or another demographic?

Once you have a clear market segmentation, you need to understand the needs and desires of that market group.

Build the type of housing that meets the demand of that market segment, including aspects such as the type of unit, price, facilities, and design.

By doing this, your products will be well-suited to your target market.

2. Create an Effective Marketing Strategy

Once the market segment has been determined, you need to create a plan for an effective marketing strategy.

There are many types of marketing strategies that can be used to sell property quickly.

One way is by maximizing digital technology, such as social media and property buying and selling sites.

Trusted property sites can help you market your property at a high price easily and in a short time.

3. Establish cooperation with a number of parties

Next, you can also collaborate or partner with various parties to start the business.

For example, you might work with a construction company for the housing development process.

Additionally, you can partner with real estate agencies to market the housing project.

The profit-sharing or benefits from these collaborations can be discussed.

However, make sure you remain open to opportunities when starting a housing business.

4. Focus on One Housing Project

If you are still a beginner, it's advisable to focus on managing one housing project at a time.

In other words, avoid rushing into multiple projects simultaneously! The goal is to concentrate on the project you are developing.

This approach will help you manage the project more effectively and minimize the risk of failure.

5. Maintain a good relationship with the bank

Building a business is indeed challenging and often requires significant capital.

As a result, many entrepreneurs seek loans from banks to fund their ventures! However, banks do not grant loans to just anyone.

You must maintain a good relationship with the bank to ensure that your loan applications are not hindered and are consistently approved.

How can you maintain a good relationship with the bank? Simply apply for loans based on your actual needs and repay them according to the agreed terms.

Consistently building your business portfolio is also important, as it can encourage the bank to offer you a higher credit limit compared to previous applications.

Housing Business Benefits

So, after learning how to run a housing business as a beginner, it's time to explore the benefits of this venture.

Here are some of the key benefits of the housing business:

  • High Profit Potential: The housing business can be very profitable, with prices increasing by 10–15% per year.
  • Diversify Your Investment Portfolio: Real estate can be an attractive investment option, especially for diversifying your investment portfolio.
  • Creating Jobs: Building housing provides employment opportunities for many people, from construction workers to sales and marketing professionals.
  • Fulfilling Basic Community Needs: This business helps meet the community's need for comfortable and decent housing.
  • Increasing Property Value: The housing business can enhance property values in an area, especially if development is in a burgeoning property market with strong investment prospects.

These are some of the appealing benefits of starting a housing business. Hopefully this article helps, yes.